Hello, readers in today’s article I am going to describe the top basic SQL queries. I think this article must be useful for beginners. I write about some basic queries like Create, Drop, Alter, Select, Insert and Update, etc.

So, without wasting any time let’s start…

Create database:

For Creating a new database.

create database mydb;

Here “mydb” is the name of your database.

Drop Database:

To delete an existing database.

drop database mydb;

Use Query:

Select and use an existing database.

use mydb;

Create Table:

To create a new table within a database.

create table mytable(
id int identity(1,1) primary key,
name varchar(50) not null,
city varchar(50) not null,

Here “mytable” is the name of your table. “id“,”name“, and “city” are the columns of the table. Here id is a primary key constraint that defines that id is not null and unique.

Drop Table:

To delete a table from the current database.

drop table mytable;

Alter Table:

Alter table is used to modify our table. The “Alter Table” command is used to add a new column, delete an existing column, or modify an existing column of our table.

To add a new column in an existing table:

alter table mytable
add pin int not null;

The above command adds a new column for “pin” of type “integer“.

To delete an existing column from the table:

alter table mytable
drop column pin;

To change the datatype of a column in the table:

alter table mytable
alter column mobile varchar not null;

If your mobile no. is an integer type and you want to change it into a varchar type this command will work.

INSERT INTO command:

To fill the records into your created table.

insert into mytable (name, city, pin)
values ('ankit','new delhi','110059');

Use the following command if you insert more than one records in a table.

insert into mytable (name, city, pin)
values ('raj','ballia','11111'),('chirag','noida','231123');

Select Query:

Select Query used to show all the records of an existing table.

select * from mytable;

Update Query:

To update or modify an existing record in the table.

update mytable
set pin='110061'
where name='ankit';

Delete Query:

To delete the inserted wrong records from the table.

delete from mytable where id=1;

To delete all records from the table using the following command:

delete from mytable;

That’s all readers this article is only dedicated to beginners. These are some basic queries in SQL server that is necessary to know.